Trains Magazine
Chicago Transit Authority begins testing in-service of new railcars on Blue Line
The Chicago Transit Authority announced Wednesday it has begun in-service testing for its newest railcars, the 7000-series cars being built by CRRC Sifang, an affiliate of Chinese rail equipment giant CRRC, at its Hegewisch plant on Chicago’s Far South Side. The cars are in service on the CTA’s Blue Line between between Forest Park and O’Hare International Airport. Ten prototype cars have been testing without passengers since last fall on all eight CTA rail lines, and will continue in-service testing through early 2022, after which production and delivery will begin on the remaining 390 cars in the order. “These new railcars are the latest step we’re taking to build a 21st century transit experience, while also boosting the local economy through the creation of good paying, local jobs,” CTA President Dorval R. Carter Jr. said in a press release. More information on the cars is available here.
Source: Trains Magazine

The Chicago Transit Authority has begun in-service testing of its new 7000-series cars, shown during earlier testing without passengers. (Art Peterson)